Wig Program

A cancer diagnosis is scary enough, without needing to worry about all the other changes the body goes through to battle the cancer cells. Chemotherapy drugs are powerful medications that attack rapidly growing cancer cells. Unfortunately, these drugs also attack other rapidly growing cells in the body — including those in the hair roots.

Since our hair is a unique part of our identity, suddenly losing it as a result of cancer treatment can be stressful for both men and women.  Changes in appearance stir up many emotions in a cancer patient and often affect the whole family.

For nearly two decades, Cancer Family Care has been providing free wigs – in a variety of hair colors, lengths and styles — plus hats & scarves to any cancer patient in the Greater Cincinnati/NKY area.  We are able to do this thanks to the generous support of community donors. “My new wig was the one thing that allowed me to continue on with my everyday activities with confidence”, says CFC client, “I can actually look in the mirror and smile at myself.”

Cancer Family Care provides wigs by appointment only at our Redbank Expressway location.  The appointments are approximately one hour in length.  We ask that clients bring no more than 2 additional people to the appointment due to limited space.  We also ask clients to refrain from bringing small children as our wig salon is located in close proximity to our counseling offices.

Cancer Family Care continually accepts donations of new and gently used wigs and professionally cleans them for re-use.

For more information or to schedule a wig appointment, call 513-731-3346.